Thermal Sensors and Automation in Heat Treatment Applications

Are you looking for a partner who can optimize, automate, and digitalize your heat treatment processes? Someone who knows your requirements and can guide you through the heating process in a professional manner? We offer you individual sensor and automation systems as well as the necessary tools for data evaluation that is flexible and usable from any location. Consultations, audits, instrumentations, and calibrations are also possible. This gives you a powerful complete solution that leaves no wishes unfulfilled and frees up space for your core business.

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Thermal sensors and automation technology specifically for heat treatment

As a focus industry, thermoprocess technology is one of our core expertise areas. Consequently, JUMO systems and solutions are specifically tailored to your industry requirements. Whether in manufacturing, heat treatment, cooling, or quality control – the interaction between sensor technology, control technology, and data evaluation is optimally coordinated and takes into account directives such as CQI, AMS2750, and ISO 20431. This not only increases productivity, but also reduces downtimes and ensures the quality of the end product. Our specific adaptations and optional services enable us to efficiently implement even the most complex requirements for you.

Heat treatment benefits

Heat treatment in concrete terms

As a leading provider of systems and solutions for industrial sensor and automation technology, our commitment goes far beyond simply selling technology. Together with you and our industry experts, JUMO Engineering develops customized complete solutions for heat treatment systems. Read more in our success stories!

Level measurement in glass melting furnaces

Reliable measurement of the glass level is essential for the economical production of glass containers, but this cannot always be optimally implemented in practice due to the high process temperatures. Find out here what innovative solution JUMO has developed.

Read the success story

Highly efficient furnace control

The manufacturing and refinement of magnetic materials takes place at temperatures of over 1000 °C, which means that precise control and monitoring of the process heat is absolutely essential. Find out how JUMO is able to impress with its expertise and cover almost 100 % of customer requirements in our exciting application report.

Read the success story

Products and systems for heat treatment

Whether you are looking for automation systems, controllers, data loggers, temperature probes, pressure transmitters, or safety temperature limiters JUMO has the right technologies for thermal applications. By working together perfectly our products map the automation pyramid from the field to the evaluation level using modern interfaces such as Single Pair Ethernet or IO-Link.

System for automated heat treatment


Safety temperature limiters, data recorders, and thermal sensors



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